Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station
Here is what our weather conditions we reported from our Miami Avenue Weather Station in Newington over the last month.
Daily Report for the month of December 2024
1 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 30.2°F |
Average humidity | 59% |
Average dewpoint | 17.3°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.0 mph |
Average direction | 248° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 41.99 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00 |
Maximum temperature | 37.0°F on 01 at 14:22 |
Minimum temperature | 24.4°F on 01 at 06:59 |
Maximum humidity | 71% on 01 at 06:54 |
Minimum humidity | 45% on 01 at 15:43 |
Maximum pressure | 29.990 in. on 01 at 23:26 |
Minimum pressure | 29.908 in. on 01 at 13:35 |
Maximum windspeed | 7 mph on 01 at 14:46 |
Maximum gust speed | 12 mph from 237 °(WSW) on 01 at 14:45 |
Maximum heat index | 37.0°F on 01 at 14:18 |
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2 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 29.4°F |
Average humidity | 66% |
Average dewpoint | 19.1°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.1 mph |
Average direction | 336° (NNW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 41.99 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 40.5°F on 02 at 14:51 |
Minimum temperature | 20.3°F on 02 at 07:26 |
Maximum humidity | 84% on 02 at 08:14 |
Minimum humidity | 45% on 02 at 14:56 |
Maximum pressure | 30.068 in. on 02 at 23:36 |
Minimum pressure | 29.982 in. on 02 at 01:40 |
Maximum windspeed | 5 mph on 02 at 12:50 |
Maximum gust speed | 9 mph from 263 °(W) on 02 at 15:51 |
Maximum heat index | 40.5°F on 02 at 14:51 |
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3 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 30.3°F |
Average humidity | 72% |
Average dewpoint | 22.0°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.6 mph |
Average direction | 15° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 41.99 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 39.5°F on 03 at 15:05 |
Minimum temperature | 22.4°F on 03 at 07:18 |
Maximum humidity | 86% on 03 at 08:49 |
Minimum humidity | 50% on 03 at 15:07 |
Maximum pressure | 30.163 in. on 03 at 23:10 |
Minimum pressure | 30.062 in. on 03 at 00:31 |
Maximum windspeed | 5 mph on 03 at 20:57 |
Maximum gust speed | 12 mph from 031 °(NNE) on 03 at 17:54 |
Maximum heat index | 39.5°F on 03 at 15:05 |
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4 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 32.3°F |
Average humidity | 72% |
Average dewpoint | 24.0°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.0 mph |
Average direction | 226° (SW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.19 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.18 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 04 at 23:29 |
Maximum temperature | 40.5°F on 04 at 19:42 |
Minimum temperature | 20.7°F on 04 at 07:40 |
Maximum humidity | 93% on 04 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 52% on 04 at 12:43 |
Maximum pressure | 30.180 in. on 04 at 05:56 |
Minimum pressure | 29.647 in. on 04 at 23:58 |
Maximum windspeed | 7 mph on 04 at 19:57 |
Maximum gust speed | 14 mph from 209 °(SSW) on 04 at 19:46 |
Maximum heat index | 40.5°F on 04 at 19:42 |
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5 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 34.2°F |
Average humidity | 84% |
Average dewpoint | 29.6°F |
Average barometer | 29.5 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.4 mph |
Average direction | 245° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.52 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.51 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 05 at 13:45 |
Maximum temperature | 38.7°F on 05 at 12:22 |
Minimum temperature | 32.4°F on 05 at 07:34 |
Maximum humidity | 96% on 05 at 10:27 |
Minimum humidity | 60% on 05 at 19:49 |
Maximum pressure | 29.659 in. on 05 at 23:55 |
Minimum pressure | 29.356 in. on 05 at 12:49 |
Maximum windspeed | 7 mph on 05 at 19:34 |
Maximum gust speed | 14 mph from 307 °(NW) on 05 at 14:33 |
Maximum heat index | 38.7°F on 05 at 12:22 |
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6 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 30.1°F |
Average humidity | 56% |
Average dewpoint | 16.2°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 2.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 5.5 mph |
Average direction | 312° (NW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.52 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.51 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 33.3°F on 06 at 15:12 |
Minimum temperature | 27.2°F on 06 at 09:04 |
Maximum humidity | 72% on 06 at 01:00 |
Minimum humidity | 42% on 06 at 12:19 |
Maximum pressure | 30.015 in. on 06 at 19:50 |
Minimum pressure | 29.658 in. on 06 at 00:01 |
Maximum windspeed | 10 mph on 06 at 13:50 |
Maximum gust speed | 21 mph from 264 °(W) on 06 at 13:39 |
Maximum heat index | 33.3°F on 06 at 15:12 |
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7 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 32.9°F |
Average humidity | 61% |
Average dewpoint | 20.9°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.5 mph |
Average direction | 234° (SW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.52 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.51 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 07 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 40.2°F on 07 at 15:06 |
Minimum temperature | 27.2°F on 07 at 04:26 |
Maximum humidity | 72% on 07 at 23:33 |
Minimum humidity | 49% on 07 at 15:13 |
Maximum pressure | 30.033 in. on 07 at 09:44 |
Minimum pressure | 29.855 in. on 07 at 23:55 |
Maximum windspeed | 9 mph on 07 at 23:10 |
Maximum gust speed | 14 mph from 187 °(S) on 07 at 23:10 |
Maximum heat index | 40.2°F on 07 at 15:06 |
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8 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 41.9°F |
Average humidity | 62% |
Average dewpoint | 29.5°F |
Average barometer | 29.7 in. |
Average windspeed | 3.0 mph |
Average gustspeed | 5.0 mph |
Average direction | 218° (SW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.52 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.51 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 08 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 50.6°F on 08 at 15:24 |
Minimum temperature | 31.2°F on 08 at 01:46 |
Maximum humidity | 88% on 08 at 02:05 |
Minimum humidity | 47% on 08 at 14:55 |
Maximum pressure | 29.898 in. on 08 at 23:58 |
Minimum pressure | 29.612 in. on 08 at 12:41 |
Maximum windspeed | 12 mph on 07 at 00:43 |
Maximum gust speed | 18 mph from 251 °(WSW) on 08 at 13:42 |
Maximum heat index | 50.6°F on 08 at 15:24 |
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9 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 39.3°F |
Average humidity | 87% |
Average dewpoint | 35.6°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.8 mph |
Average direction | 70° (ENE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.82 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.81 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 09 at 23:48 |
Maximum temperature | 49.1°F on 09 at 11:21 |
Minimum temperature | 29.4°F on 09 at 05:25 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 09 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 62% on 09 at 11:14 |
Maximum pressure | 30.012 in. on 09 at 08:38 |
Minimum pressure | 29.865 in. on 09 at 18:17 |
Maximum windspeed | 7 mph on 09 at 11:54 |
Maximum gust speed | 10 mph from 132 °(SE) on 09 at 12:07 |
Maximum heat index | 49.1°F on 09 at 11:21 |
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10 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 38.6°F |
Average humidity | 95% |
Average dewpoint | 37.1°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.6 mph |
Average direction | 21° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.89 in. |
Rainfall for year | 42.88 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 10 at 23:42 |
Maximum temperature | 40.1°F on 10 at 00:05 |
Minimum temperature | 37.4°F on 10 at 08:45 |
Maximum humidity | 96% on 10 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 91% on 10 at 15:37 |
Maximum pressure | 30.091 in. on 10 at 09:34 |
Minimum pressure | 29.911 in. on 10 at 23:43 |
Maximum windspeed | 6 mph on 10 at 03:56 |
Maximum gust speed | 8 mph from 033 °(NNE) on 10 at 03:55 |
Maximum heat index | 40.1°F on 10 at 00:04 |
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11 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 46.3°F |
Average humidity | 96% |
Average dewpoint | 45.1°F |
Average barometer | 29.6 in. |
Average windspeed | 3.1 mph |
Average gustspeed | 5.2 mph |
Average direction | 183° (S) |
Rainfall for month | 1.90 in. |
Rainfall for year | 43.89 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 11 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 61.8°F on 11 at 15:51 |
Minimum temperature | 37.3°F on 11 at 03:10 |
Maximum humidity | 98% on 11 at 15:06 |
Minimum humidity | 86% on 11 at 23:59 |
Maximum pressure | 29.913 in. on 11 at 00:06 |
Minimum pressure | 29.296 in. on 11 at 21:17 |
Maximum windspeed | 15 mph on 11 at 16:46 |
Maximum gust speed | 22 mph from 182 °(S) on 11 at 18:28 |
Maximum heat index | 61.8°F on 11 at 15:50 |
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12 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 35.6°F |
Average humidity | 59% |
Average dewpoint | 21.8°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 4.3 mph |
Average gustspeed | 7.5 mph |
Average direction | 253° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 1.99 in. |
Rainfall for year | 43.98 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 12 at 18:41 |
Maximum temperature | 41.2°F on 12 at 00:03 |
Minimum temperature | 27.0°F on 12 at 23:59 |
Maximum humidity | 88% on 12 at 02:06 |
Minimum humidity | 33% on 12 at 14:20 |
Maximum pressure | 30.330 in. on 12 at 23:54 |
Minimum pressure | 29.524 in. on 12 at 00:03 |
Maximum windspeed | 13 mph on 12 at 13:25 |
Maximum gust speed | 22 mph from 219 °(SW) on 12 at 13:44 |
Maximum heat index | 41.2°F on 12 at 00:03 |
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13 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 27.0°F |
Average humidity | 55% |
Average dewpoint | 12.7°F |
Average barometer | 30.5 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.3 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.8 mph |
Average direction | 313° (NW) |
Rainfall for month | 2.01 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 13 at 15:02 |
Maximum temperature | 33.4°F on 13 at 14:44 |
Minimum temperature | 19.9°F on 13 at 23:33 |
Maximum humidity | 75% on 13 at 23:27 |
Minimum humidity | 40% on 13 at 14:46 |
Maximum pressure | 30.749 in. on 13 at 23:52 |
Minimum pressure | 30.327 in. on 13 at 00:56 |
Maximum windspeed | 8 mph on 13 at 10:40 |
Maximum gust speed | 13 mph from 300 °(WNW) on 13 at 14:03 |
Maximum heat index | 33.4°F on 13 at 14:44 |
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14 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 23.6°F |
Average humidity | 70% |
Average dewpoint | 14.8°F |
Average barometer | 30.8 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.0 mph |
Average direction | 34° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 2.02 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.01 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 14 at 13:05 |
Maximum temperature | 34.7°F on 14 at 15:14 |
Minimum temperature | 16.1°F on 14 at 08:01 |
Maximum humidity | 89% on 14 at 08:49 |
Minimum humidity | 44% on 14 at 15:20 |
Maximum pressure | 30.881 in. on 14 at 08:52 |
Minimum pressure | 30.741 in. on 14 at 00:21 |
Maximum windspeed | 5 mph on 14 at 14:24 |
Maximum gust speed | 7 mph from 012 °(NNE) on 14 at 13:51 |
Maximum heat index | 34.7°F on 14 at 15:14 |
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15 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 24.9°F |
Average humidity | 74% |
Average dewpoint | 17.5°F |
Average barometer | 30.7 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.2 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.0 mph |
Average direction | 26° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 2.02 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.01 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 15 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 33.4°F on 15 at 15:16 |
Minimum temperature | 15.0°F on 15 at 07:10 |
Maximum humidity | 89% on 15 at 08:39 |
Minimum humidity | 59% on 15 at 14:44 |
Maximum pressure | 30.817 in. on 15 at 00:15 |
Minimum pressure | 30.555 in. on 15 at 23:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 2 mph on 15 at 14:16 |
Maximum gust speed | 3 mph from 050 °(NE) on 15 at 14:16 |
Maximum heat index | 33.4°F on 15 at 15:16 |
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16 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 32.0°F |
Average humidity | 89% |
Average dewpoint | 29.0°F |
Average barometer | 30.3 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.3 mph |
Average direction | 11° (N) |
Rainfall for month | 2.09 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.08 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 16 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 36.2°F on 16 at 23:59 |
Minimum temperature | 27.8°F on 16 at 05:39 |
Maximum humidity | 96% on 16 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 65% on 16 at 00:59 |
Maximum pressure | 30.554 in. on 16 at 00:02 |
Minimum pressure | 30.029 in. on 16 at 23:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 2 mph on 16 at 19:49 |
Maximum gust speed | 5 mph from 025 °(NNE) on 16 at 09:57 |
Maximum heat index | 36.2°F on 16 at 23:59 |
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17 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 49.8°F |
Average humidity | 84% |
Average dewpoint | 45.0°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 2.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 4.4 mph |
Average direction | 230° (SW) |
Rainfall for month | 2.37 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.36 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 17 at 05:04 |
Maximum temperature | 58.0°F on 17 at 14:45 |
Minimum temperature | 36.2°F on 17 at 00:03 |
Maximum humidity | 98% on 17 at 05:53 |
Minimum humidity | 60% on 17 at 15:57 |
Maximum pressure | 30.132 in. on 17 at 23:49 |
Minimum pressure | 29.929 in. on 17 at 04:51 |
Maximum windspeed | 12 mph on 17 at 13:33 |
Maximum gust speed | 20 mph from 231 °(SW) on 17 at 13:17 |
Maximum heat index | 58.0°F on 17 at 14:45 |
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18 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 41.0°F |
Average humidity | 84% |
Average dewpoint | 36.4°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.2 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.2 mph |
Average direction | 175° (S) |
Rainfall for month | 2.76 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.75 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 18 at 23:42 |
Maximum temperature | 51.1°F on 18 at 14:53 |
Minimum temperature | 29.7°F on 18 at 07:53 |
Maximum humidity | 96% on 18 at 09:56 |
Minimum humidity | 62% on 18 at 13:56 |
Maximum pressure | 30.196 in. on 18 at 07:30 |
Minimum pressure | 29.865 in. on 18 at 23:00 |
Maximum windspeed | 8 mph on 18 at 14:26 |
Maximum gust speed | 13 mph from 189 °(S) on 18 at 15:07 |
Maximum heat index | 51.1°F on 18 at 14:53 |
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19 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 38.1°F |
Average humidity | 73% |
Average dewpoint | 29.8°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.6 mph |
Average direction | 341° (NNW) |
Rainfall for month | 2.82 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.81 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 19 at 01:55 |
Maximum temperature | 43.5°F on 19 at 11:59 |
Minimum temperature | 32.3°F on 19 at 23:44 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 19 at 03:17 |
Minimum humidity | 54% on 19 at 12:02 |
Maximum pressure | 30.232 in. on 19 at 19:49 |
Minimum pressure | 29.875 in. on 19 at 00:13 |
Maximum windspeed | 8 mph on 19 at 10:57 |
Maximum gust speed | 16 mph from 014 °(NNE) on 19 at 10:13 |
Maximum heat index | 43.5°F on 19 at 11:58 |
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20 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 30.8°F |
Average humidity | 83% |
Average dewpoint | 26.1°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 2.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.9 mph |
Average direction | 17° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 2.83 in. |
Rainfall for year | 44.82 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 20 at 14:26 |
Maximum temperature | 32.9°F on 20 at 01:00 |
Minimum temperature | 28.6°F on 20 at 22:05 |
Maximum humidity | 92% on 20 at 17:34 |
Minimum humidity | 71% on 20 at 00:46 |
Maximum pressure | 30.203 in. on 20 at 00:41 |
Minimum pressure | 29.793 in. on 20 at 23:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 7 mph on 20 at 16:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 12 mph from 08 °(N) on 20 at 19:31 |
Maximum heat index | 32.9°F on 20 at 01:00 |
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Average and Extremes for Month of December 2024 up to day 20 |
Average temperature | 34.4°F |
Average humidity | 74% |
Average dewpoint | 26.5°F |
Average barometer | 30.064 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.7 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.2 mph |
Average direction | 278° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 2.83 in. |
Rainfall for year | 45.20 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in on 18 at 23:42 |
Maximum temperature | 61.8°F on 11 at 15:51 |
Minimum temperature | 15.0°F on 15 at 07:10 |
Maximum humidity | 98% on 17 at 05:53 |
Minimum humidity | 33% on 12 at 14:20 |
Maximum pressure | 30.88 in. on 14 at 08:52 |
Minimum pressure | 29.30 in. on 11 at 21:17 |
Maximum windspeed | 15 mph from 182°(S) on 11 at 16:46 |
Maximum gust speed | 22 mph from 270°(W) on 12 at 13:44 |
Maximum heat index | 61.8°F on 11 at 15:50 |
Avg daily max temp | 41.8°F |
Avg daily min temp | 27.1°F |
Growing degrees days | 0.0 GDD |
Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV |
01 05:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
504.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
02 03:48hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
520.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
03 02:24hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
631.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
04 02:24hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
473.0 W/mē |
1.0 uv |
05 00:48hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
555.0 W/mē |
0.8 uv |
06 04:00hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
545.0 W/mē |
1.0 uv |
07 03:54hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
533.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
08 02:36hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
508.0 W/mē |
1.0 uv |
09 01:06hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
438.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
10 00:00hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
88.0 W/mē |
0.0 uv |
11 00:00hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
65.0 W/mē |
0.0 uv |
12 02:42hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
555.0 W/mē |
0.8 uv |
13 04:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
629.0 W/mē |
0.8 uv |
14 04:12hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
635.0 W/mē |
0.9 uv |
15 00:54hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
422.0 W/mē |
0.8 uv |
16 00:00hrs |
ET :0.00 in. |
137.0 W/mē |
0.5 uv |
17 03:06hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
619.0 W/mē |
1.1 uv |
18 03:18hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
585.0 W/mē |
1.0 uv |
19 01:48hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
786.0 W/mē |
1.1 uv |
20 00:00hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
236.0 W/mē |
0.0 uv |
Daily Rain Totals |
00.19 in. on 4 |
00.33 in. on 5 |
00.30 in. on 9 |
00.07 in. on 10 |
01.01 in. on 11 |
00.09 in. on 12 |
00.02 in. on 13 |
00.01 in. on 14 |
00.07 in. on 16 |
00.28 in. on 17 |
00.39 in. on 18 |
00.06 in. on 19 |
00.01 in. on 20 |